Saturday, January 22, 2011

My New Hobby

It's too cold outside for my liking, so I needed to find something to do inside the house that would occupy my time when I'm not studying. I love taking pictures, and especially 'Picniking' them. I have all these pictures that I print out and put in picture frames, but I wanted to do a little bit more.  Growing up over the years (middle school through college) I've done a lot of scrapbooking.  I haven't made one in a few years though, so I decided to start back up again.  My boyfriend's mom is so helpful.  She gave me a new book to use.  My first book is of me and my boyfriend. We've been best friends for almost 7 years now, and we've been through a lot.  I found all of our old pictures from high school and college.  It's crazy to see how young we looked. The first weekend I got through probably 20 pages, and I have so many more to do.  I went to Michael's Arts and Crafts store and bought the paper and stickers.  My first purchase was kind of pricey, but then I went online and found coupons to Michael's. My second visit, everything I bought ranged from $0.11 to $0.49.  What a bargain! 

Some themes that I have so far:
-hobbies that we share
-sporting events
-dinner dates at new restaurants
-concert pictures and tickets
-movie ticket stubs

If you read this, and have any ideas on new themes for more pages, leave me a comment.  I can't wait to add more to the book. :)

My next scrapbook is going to be of me and my friends.  I have sooo many pictures with them.  I feel like I've finally found my core group of friends (after high school and college), that I feel like I'm going to be friends with for the rest of my life.  And it's really important to me, that I have pictures of all those memories we've shared. I don't want to forget anything.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Just Don't Understand

You'd think that shopping would be simple - shop, pay, leave! But apparently not.  I work in retail, the Gap to be exact, and I experience the most speechless bizarre things every day.

There are four departments within the Gap - Baby, Kids, Adult then Body, but poor little Gap Body doesn't get as much lovin'.  Therefore, we usually keep the registers closed since no one is over there to cover the store.  While I'm at the registers in Adult, I have a clear view over into Body. Sometimes I watch for suspicious people, people who look like they need assistance, and then I also watch the people who continue to stand at the checkout counter even though there is a large sign that reads "Registers Are Closed."  I always wonder, what do they see when they see this sign? Do they even see it at all? How do they miss it?  It's funny to watch them for a few minutes as they look around seeing if anyone is on there way to come help them. No one is coming over to help you, sweetie! Ughh, I just don't understand.

What about those people who are Swipe Happy?  I haven't even rung up a single item yet, and they are already swiping their card.  Really, did you wanna pay for these items?  I straight up call these people out, tell them to settle down, take a step back and relax for a minute. Haha just kidding, I wish! But I don't want to lose my job.

We've had so many sales the past few weeks.  At the end of the transaction, I have to enter in a code that will apply an additional, lets say 40% off.  Of course I get the ladies who don't politely ask about the discount, but who raise their voice "EXCUSE ME, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME 40% OFF".  Well if you want to change your tone, I might enter a code in at the end of the transaction and give you your discount. Hang on for two more seconds before you open your mouth.  People are so rude and snappy. I just don't understand.

Now let's talk about the fitting rooms? If you want to interact with the crazies, come hang out in there.  This lady, let's call her Debbie, was trying on many different pairs of jeans in an 8 Regular.  She discovered that she needed an 8 Short, simple enough, no problem. I got her all new jeans in an 8 Short.  A gave her a few minutes to try those on.  She came back out of the fitting room saying "These don't fit me, I need them longer. How about an 8 Regular?" So just to verify that I was understanding her right, I said "You just had 8 Regulars, and then I grabbed the 8 Shorts for you, but you'd rather have the 8 Regulars again? You like that length better?"  And, honest to god, this is what she replies with, "You never brought me anything. These are the pairs of jeans I came back here with. I need 8 Regulars."  LOL. Oh Debbie, do you not remember me from not even five minutes ago? We had a conversation. It was real. The fitting room is a whole other world.  I just don't understand.

Ooh, fyi, when you're calling into a store for a check do not talk this quiet.  We cannot hear a single thing you are saying. We have people yelling in our ears left and right, more phones ringing, and Holiday music in the background.  We will not hesitate to hang up if we can't hear what you're asking for. I just don't understand.

Shopping is not that difficult. Shop, pay, leave!

On a lighter note, come visit me at Gap, I will hook. you. up.  :)

Until next time,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Winter Break?!?

I have been on winter break for officially 15 minutes now. But what do I get a break okay yes. Work? no. Paying bills? no. Taking care of my mother? no.

My mom goes into the hospital tomorrow morning.  This is her third and final surgery in a year.  We are all anxious and wishing her the best.  Knowing that she'll never be in pain again is a great feeling.  The past 20 years, mostly 10 years, have been so stressful on her. In and out of the hospital, for as long as I can remember.  She'll probably be in for a week or so recovering but I hope she gets out before New Years....who wants to start off the New Year in a hospital bed? Well, good luck mom, see ya when ya get out of surgery!!

Actually just kidding, I can't go up to the hospital for a few days. It was confirmed by my doctor today that I have strep throat. I guess it's going around my work and of course I had to work with someone who just found out she has it.  Yesterday I came home from work at about 3 feeling just fine, just a little tired.  By 5 oclock I have a wicked sore throat and cant even swallow. I was so desperate that I took a sip, no I mean five large gulps, of Ryan's straight black coffee in hopes that my throat would open up a little. No luck. I was stuck with the taste of coffee in my mouth, gross. By this morning, I couldn't breathe or talk.  I came home around 1:30 and took my medicine.  Except I accidently took medicine from the PM side, not the AM side, so this shit knocked me on my ass in a matter of 10 minutes (excuse my language).  I tried setting my alarm to only close my eyes for 30 minutes and then wake up and continue on with my homework, but did that happen? No. I was so passed out, I slept for 2 1/2 HOURS.

I spent all day doing homework. I always focus on Psychology first because it's the easiest and most interesting and also applies toward my major.  I got halfway done when I realized it's not due until midnight tomorrow night! Really? Just my luck. So I tossed that aside and switched over to Sociology.  I've taken a Sociology class before but this one is so tough. This teacher does not mess around.  I read 3 chapters, took a 90 minute quiz, wrote an essay, and posted 3 scientific discussion questions by 11:54pm. Wow, I should never procrastinate again.

I have another doctors appointment in the morning at 8am. I have no idea how I'm going to wake up, especially after taking this medicine.  So yes, I asked my parents to set their alarms and wake me up, ha sad!  They have to draw 4 vials of blood from my arm.  The last time I got this done a few weeks ago, I did not get very much sleep and didn't eat anything before going in, so I nearly passed out during the middle of it. Maybe I'll stop for a bagel in the morning...Mmm some cold strawberry cream cheese on a cherry bagel would be so soothing on my throat. Yum yum! :)

If my life is exciting enough that something happens over winter break, I'll let you know in about five days. Yes I have a five day break. How lame!!

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

So it snowed over the weekend, it REALLY snowed.  Whiteout conditions. It wasn't a heavy snow though, only enough to cover the ground, but the wind was awful. Driving I could only see like 50 feet in front of me.  Good thing I had Saturday and Sunday off, I probably would have called work and told them I refuse to drive.  I'm pretty sure I get high anxiety driving in snow, or even worse rain. Haha! Probably because my one and only accident was while driving in the rain.

I was supposed to head to Lincoln with my brothers and my bf, to celebrate my brother's gf's 24th bday! Unfortunately I fell asleep for almost 3 hours on Saturday afternoon (I was just so warm snuggled up in my bed), that my brothers decided to leave without me. I didn't mind though, although I would have loved to see Katy, I'm glad I didn't drive in the snow.  My parents on the other hand did decide to drive in the snow as well. How come everyone in my family doesn't mind driving in the snow?  They went to dinner and the Creighton bball game, so I was home alone all night. I made myself dinner, watched some tv, then ended the night with SNL. I haven't watched SNL in years.

Sunday was just my average day. I spent most of the day studying for Psychology. I managed to fit in a little bit of shopping.  I bought myself another Lolita wine glass that I'm going to wrap up and give to myself for Christmas. I really had to have it! :)  Wilbur and Steph invited me to Old Chicago to start my Winter mini tour. The first beer I tried, I hated. The second one was better! That's all I could handle for one night. If you know me, you know I'm a lightweight.

Today was a good day. Not many people would say that about a Monday.  I only had to work half a day. The other half was spent studying more for Psych.  I finally took my online text around midnight. I took a 90 minute test in 30 minutes and got 29/30.....97%!!  All that reading really paid off!

I'm not sure how tomorrow's going to turn out though. Tuesdays are my days off. So I have a few fun things planned, but I still need to squeeze in Soci.  This class is going to be the death of me. And it's a requirement for Nursing? Pshhh....puh-lease!

....and to all a Goodnight!!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Tis the Season

The Gleek that I am, I just watched this weeks episode of Glee. It hit really close to home, so I thought I'd take some time and blog. Everyone was so wrapped up in asking for gifts, or being unkind to one another that they forgot the true meaning of Christmas.

We should be thankful for what we have, and being able to spend time with the people we love, our families. Not everyone is lucky enough to get that. I took that for granted. In the past, my relationships seemed to be more important at the time, and I skipped out on hanging out with my family. Where did that get me?  I also spent one of my holiday seasons allowing people to argue with me which really put me in a slump. One of my fondest memories was 4 years ago, I spent Christmas with my entire extended family. Focus on the relationships that mean the most, and make the most of them!! You never know when this could be the last Christmas that you spend together.

As for gifts, Give and you shall receive.  I'm all about gifts during Christmas, but I'm all about giving them. I don't like to receive anything because I always feel greedy inside (thats just me though, ha). Times are rough right now, so money might be an issue. That doesn't mean you can't give a gift. The gifts that mean the most, are the ones with the most thought behind them. Create something at home, write a letter, video chat long distance. It's the little things that mean the most!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!



So, I've had some problems with people lately. I'm not here to name names or bitch about people. I just wish I got the respect that I deserve. If you think I'm wrong, by all means, ignore this post.

1. Be Respectful
"Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.  Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future."  I believe that there should come a time in everyone's lives when you stop the bickering and tattling and insulting, and be kind to your family. In my family, that hasn't quite happened yet. Everyone's a bully.  When I actually have time to think about it, it bothers me. I feel like I have a solid group of friends, I'm doing really well in school, shooting for a nice career, and have a fun little job going on.  So it's disrespectful to call people "losers" and put people down in front of your friends just to look cool. Because the people who care about you the most (your family), aren't going to think you're so cool.

2. Tell the Truth
I also just wish people would stop lying to me. I don't know how I do it, but I always seem to find out the truth, so don't try to lie yourself out of it even more. Admit to lying, and maybe give a sincere apology so that it means something in my book. I can read people very easily and I know what goes on in their heads, because at one time, I was just like them. I tried to lie my way out of sticky situations. I learned and grew from it. Now, I just don't do anything that would require lying to someone.

3. Be Patient
Patience is golden. To me at least. The past few days at work, a good friend of mine and I have been going on rants about the customers we get and how rude they can be.  First off, if you're in such a hurry to get somewhere, why are you buying $200 worth of clothes. I'm going to take my time ringing you up, so that I don't make any mistakes.  Second, I've been working at my job a lot longer than you think, longer than a day sweetie.  Wait until I'm done with the transaction before you start to question your total (yes, I work in retail). Ladies come in saying "I would like to do an even exchange, is this price going to be the same as what I paid for the other item in the other size?" "Yes ma'am, if you can wait just a moment, I will override it." My friends and I like to give these mom-sters (as we like to call them) attitude. Third, if I'm ringing people up at this register, don't stand at another register thinking I'm going to hop over there and help you next. Stand at the back of my line, and wait your turn. Once again, if you're in a hurry, you shouldn't be shopping.

I feel like I go out of my way, to make sure people are happy, before I even start to think about myself.  I would never want someone to feel belittled or to feel any pain or disrespected.  I will do whatever I can to please people or cheer them up, but I never get rewarded or recognized for anything I do. If I'm going out of my way to help you do something, show some appreciation, say thank you. (Thank you Jason for everything, you're a great co-worker). If I'm going out of my way to hang out with you or spend time with you, enjoy that time together, make the most of it.

I'm sure there's going to be more to come by the end of this week.....just you wait....haha!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week from Hell

Well here I am! A few people convinced me to create a blog. I haven't had one since I was in middle school, when we used it to declare our love for the cute boy sitting in the corner, or bitch about our ex-best friend or send shoutouts to every person in the eighth grade. But of course I never did any of that ;-) haha!

I recently just put in to work 40 hours a week at my job, and I get pretty damn close to that (probably a big mistake). Plus I'm a full time student. Taking online classes might be a little more relaxed, but I feel like I have five times as much homework as I would if I were to actually sit in a classroom six hours a day. And since I don't have much time for anything else in my life, I thought I'd blog about my random thoughts...and we all know, I have plenty of those.

But anything that happened to me this weekend is already old news, so I'll wait to blog about something worthy in a few days. For now, I'm gonna cozy up into bed and watch the Taylor Swift Special on E! and let the debate go on in my head...Do I like her? Do I hate her?

Until next time...
